We make a living by what we do, but we make a life by what we give. - Winston Churchill
Why We Donate
As a non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation Care 4U, Inc. can accept tax deductible donations. We will provide a receipt for your tax records for your cash donation, or other item(s). Donations help support the vitality of this clinic and help keep our operating costs low.
Every Donation Helps – Ways You May Donate:
Please consider supporting Care 4U, Inc. in the following ways:
- Donate your time as a volunteer: we need: doctors, physicians assistants,
nurse practitioners, nurses, medical receptionists, snow removal, lawn care,
general upkeep
- Donate medical supplies
- Donate medical equipment
- Donate PPE (Personal Protective Equipment – face masks, gloves, shields, gowns)
- Donate with charitable giving.
Planned Charitable Giving
Consider end-of-year giving or set-up long-term giving plans. Here are some suggestions:
- Monthly giving through PayPal or your bank or a trust account
- Thrivent Financial designation for Thrivent Financial members
- One-time direct donation
- Shares of appreciated stock
- IRA Distributions – Annual Required Minimum Distribution
- Give a Memorial for a loved one or friend who has passed
- Give a gift in honor of someone special in your life to honor them
- Remember the clinic in your estate planning
For help in setting up and processing any of the above suggestions feel free to
contact the clinic: 920-394-2136 or office@care4uclinic.org