Our Staff

Lori Spencer, APNP, is a licensed Nurse Practitioner specializes in mental health.

Theodore Kubiak, PA, is a licensed Physicians Assistant.

Dr Karl Hoffmann, is a licensed Physician.

Dr John Walz, is a licensed Physician and Surgeon.

Our Schedule

Appointments are available on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays (8AM to 4PM). After hours or emergency appointments may be available by calling 920-394-2136. Walk-ins are welcome.

Lab Tests

Some labs are performed here, others will be sent to the appropriate lab facilities with prompt results. Casting, suturing, respiratory treatments, and circumcisions have additional charges for supplies as needed. Prescriptions written and filled at the Clinic incur a minimal up charge from our cost!


We are a CASH/CHECK BASED clinic. Payments for services are due the day of your visit. We do not accept insurance or process claims. What we will do is provide you with a receipt for your personal medical records, or to use for proof of your expenditures for your Flex-Spending account or Health Savings account.

Office Visits:
Limited, brief, short – 30 minutes or less$60
Follow up/recheck of previous visit – 30 minutes or less$50
Complex, multiple problems, Pap, Annuals, Minor surgeries$150
Charges in addition to the above regular charges may be incurred for:
Home visit, each visit$50
After Hours/On Call professional Services, each$25
Inclusion of anesthetics and supplies$275
Doctor’s statement for Social Security, FMLA, Excuse, other$20/$30 new